Don't be a Compromiser...
As a Christian, do you find yourself partaking in things you know are displeasing to the Lord? Sadly, many in the body of Christ today, even some pastors and leaders in the church, are spending their free time entertaining themselves with questionable video games, movies and television shows where sin is mocked, where sexual perversions, cursing, fornication, blasphemy, drunkenness, adultery, and drug use are being utilized for entertainment or to get a laugh from those viewing. Are you one of those who find some kind of sick humor or entertainment in these types of shows or movies? If so, you have some serious spiritual issues that need to be dealt with. Do you realize that it grieves the heart of God when you find entertainment or humor in something He views as evil and detestable? Do you think Jesus Christ found any humor or entertainment in the sin He was sufferin...