Don't be a Compromiser...

As a Christian, do you find yourself partaking in things you know are displeasing to the Lord? Sadly, many in the body of Christ today, even some pastors and leaders in the church, are spending their free time entertaining themselves with questionable video games, movies and television shows where sin is mocked, where sexual perversions, cursing, fornication, blasphemy, drunkenness, adultery, and drug use are being utilized for entertainment or to get a laugh from those viewing. Are you one of those who find some kind of sick humor or entertainment in these types of shows or movies? If so, you have some serious spiritual issues that need to be dealt with.

Do you realize that it grieves the heart of God when you find entertainment or humor in something He views as evil and detestable? Do you think Jesus Christ found any humor or entertainment in the sin He was suffering extreme pain and torture for when He was hanging on that cross? I doubt it. If you have small children, do you allow them to watch cartoons? Are you paying attention to what they are watching or the message they are portraying to your children?? Do you realize that satan is using many cartoons to indoctrinate your children into the occult? Folks, we need to start paying attention to the avenues the enemy is using to gain access into our lives. We have a God given responsibility to monitor what we allow into our homes that affects us and our family, because one day God is going to hold us accountable for it.

Please understand, this is all part of satan's plan to desensitize us to sin and evil. If he can get us to laugh at it, or be entertained by it, we will be less concerned with sin and evil in our own lives. Sin is the reason we have pain, death, and sorrow in this world. It is the reason sickness and disease ravages the bodies of many. It is hardly meant for our amusement or entertainment. The scripture says, "Fools make a mock at sin." (Proverbs 14:9) Are you allowing yourself to be entertained by fools? God forbid. Know this, if you are a Christian who takes pleasure in this type of entertainment, you are grieving the Spirit of God every time you do so, and as His children, we are commanded to abstain from all appearance of evil, not entertain ourselves with it. (1Thessalonians 5:22) And if you think by filling your heart and mind with this evil, that somehow you won't be affected by it, you are only kidding yourself. "Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners." (1Corinthians 15:33)

God's Word is clear, we must abstain from all appearance of evil, and that's a command, not a suggestion. If we want the best God has for our lives, if we seek to become true disciples of His, we must obey His Word and avoid at all costs, anything that is displeasing to Him. Don't be a compromiser!


  1. Good post brother- AMEN!

  2. amen no room for compromise

  3. There is no compromise with God, you are either for Him or you are against Him, the is no middle ground, riding both sides of the fence, it is ALL of nothing with Him, and I strive every day to be the ALL for Him.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, I failed English 101. Think of it as one big paragraph. Did you happen to notice the topic?

  5. I partake in things displeasing to the lord. What of it?

  6. Galatians 6:7-9 KJV Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap.


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