Prophetic Warning...
There is a very great time of distress coming to the world. Those who are abiding in me shall be kept from destruction. Those who have refused my name and have rebelled against my statues, shall suffer in the coming days. The time of my appearing is very near and now is the time to draw as close to me as possible as I shall be your only refuge in the days ahead. The words that were spoken long ago by the prophets are now being fulfilled. My hand is upon everything in the earth and nothing is happening that is beyond my eyes, saith the Lord. I control everything you see and have allowed evil to continue for my purposes, but now the days ahead shall grow dark. The time of the end has reached this generation. Repent before me, says the Lord, and I shall have mercy upon you. Abide in me that you do not suffer the things that are coming upon this earth. For those who continue to rebel against me, you shall suffer eternal destruction at my hand. I am coming soon, saith the Lord, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be...
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