Can Eternal Life be Lost?
This is a very controversial subject in the church today, but if we study and discern the Word of God correctly, the answer will be clear. To begin, we must first clarify exactly what it means to be born again. When a person repents of their sin, believes Christ died and rose from the dead, and confesses Him as Lord, they become what the bible calls born again, or born from above. (Romans 10: 9,10) When you are born again, your spirit has been "saved," and forgiven of sin. (Ephesians 4:24) The Holy Spirit actually gives you a new spirit. Your old spirit, which was separated from God since birth because of inherited sin, has now been replaced by your new spirit, one created in righteousness. (Ephesians 4:24) Your body on the other hand, is still subject to sin and death and it will not be given immortality until the resurrection, but for now, it has yet to be redeemed. (1Corinthians 15:52-54) ...