Homosexuality..What God Thinks
Homosexuality has been publicized in the media as if it were the worst sin of all time. The truth is, God isn't just concerned about homosexuality, His concerns go far beyond that. And although God condemns homosexuality, He also condemns the sin of fornication between heterosexuals, drunkenness, recreational drug use, blasphemy, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, etc. So, it's not just the homosexual lifestyle God is condemning, it's ALL SIN. He also doesn't condemn us for our sins, He only condemns the sin. Did you get that? GOD DOES NOT CONDEMN YOU FOR YOUR SIN, HE ONLY CONDEMNS THE SIN. This is very important for us to understand. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17) You see, God will only CONVICT you of your sin, He will NEVER condemn you. Why? Because He loves you, He is on your side, but He hates your sin so much because He knows it will destroy you. Visit a grav...