Homosexuality..What God Thinks
Homosexuality has been publicized in the media as if it were the worst sin of all time. The truth is, God isn't just concerned about homosexuality, His concerns go far beyond that. And although God condemns homosexuality, He also condemns the sin of fornication between heterosexuals, drunkenness, recreational drug use, blasphemy, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, etc. So, it's not just the homosexual lifestyle God is condemning, it's ALL SIN. He also doesn't condemn us for our sins, He only condemns the sin. Did you get that? GOD DOES NOT CONDEMN YOU FOR YOUR SIN, HE ONLY CONDEMNS THE SIN. This is very important for us to understand. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17)
You see, God will only CONVICT you of your sin, He will NEVER condemn you. Why? Because He loves you, He is on your side, but He hates your sin so much because He knows it will destroy you. Visit a graveyard sometime if you don't believe me. Just like a mother hates the drugs she knows are destroying her child's life, only because she loves her child, so is the same with God. He isn't making rules to keep us from "fun," as some would have you believe. He knows sin will destroy us and He hates that because of His great love for us. The scripture says, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23) The fact is, we were ALL born with this sin nature, and although it's natural for us to sin, it's certainly not beneficial. Problem is, when sin is finished, it brings forth death. Death is a "direct result" of our sin nature.
But there is good news for us! God provided a remedy for our sin because of His great love for the world. He had a plan to FIX our sin nature so we could be reconciled back to Him, (it is our sin that has separated us from Him) so we could be forgiven, so we could escape death, which is eternal separation from Him, eternal damnation. Death was never God's plan and hell was not created for man. So how did He remedy our sin?
God came to earth in the man of Christ, took on a body like yours and mine, but made sure His nature would be free from sin, thus the reason for the virgin birth. He had to make sure the "seed" planted in Mary was pure, so when He was born, He didn't have the same sin "nature" as we do. Then as only God can, He lived a sinless life, showed us His love by what He taught and those He healed, then offered His life freely upon that cross as a sacrifice for our sins. That's pretty incredible if you really think about it. God, the eternal creator, left heaven to live among us, allowed Himself to be beaten, spit upon, mocked and scourged, persecuted and hung on a cross by wicked men, all for us! Then He rose from the dead to prove who He was and by doing so, conquered death and the grave! There is no greater love than a man lay down His life for his friends.
Yes, God hates our sin, but only because He knows of the consequences sin brings, sickness, disease, sorrow, and death. But when we are willing to turn from our sins and place our faith in the sacrifice God made for us, we can be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven after we die. The soul lives on forever in one place or another so I caution you, be wise and choose heaven, choose Christ, and remember, God loves you with an everlasting love. Never forget that. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but shall inherit everlasting life." (John 3:16)
You see, God will only CONVICT you of your sin, He will NEVER condemn you. Why? Because He loves you, He is on your side, but He hates your sin so much because He knows it will destroy you. Visit a graveyard sometime if you don't believe me. Just like a mother hates the drugs she knows are destroying her child's life, only because she loves her child, so is the same with God. He isn't making rules to keep us from "fun," as some would have you believe. He knows sin will destroy us and He hates that because of His great love for us. The scripture says, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23) The fact is, we were ALL born with this sin nature, and although it's natural for us to sin, it's certainly not beneficial. Problem is, when sin is finished, it brings forth death. Death is a "direct result" of our sin nature.
But there is good news for us! God provided a remedy for our sin because of His great love for the world. He had a plan to FIX our sin nature so we could be reconciled back to Him, (it is our sin that has separated us from Him) so we could be forgiven, so we could escape death, which is eternal separation from Him, eternal damnation. Death was never God's plan and hell was not created for man. So how did He remedy our sin?
God came to earth in the man of Christ, took on a body like yours and mine, but made sure His nature would be free from sin, thus the reason for the virgin birth. He had to make sure the "seed" planted in Mary was pure, so when He was born, He didn't have the same sin "nature" as we do. Then as only God can, He lived a sinless life, showed us His love by what He taught and those He healed, then offered His life freely upon that cross as a sacrifice for our sins. That's pretty incredible if you really think about it. God, the eternal creator, left heaven to live among us, allowed Himself to be beaten, spit upon, mocked and scourged, persecuted and hung on a cross by wicked men, all for us! Then He rose from the dead to prove who He was and by doing so, conquered death and the grave! There is no greater love than a man lay down His life for his friends.
Yes, God hates our sin, but only because He knows of the consequences sin brings, sickness, disease, sorrow, and death. But when we are willing to turn from our sins and place our faith in the sacrifice God made for us, we can be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven after we die. The soul lives on forever in one place or another so I caution you, be wise and choose heaven, choose Christ, and remember, God loves you with an everlasting love. Never forget that. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but shall inherit everlasting life." (John 3:16)
I agree.... no sin is any worse than another. I believe God loves us. He just hates the sin, but he wants to for give us. I have known people who say they do not believe in God. I tell them it's okay because God believes in them and he will wait for them. The power of God is amazing.