The Militant Church is Rising...

The militant church is rising, and only those who have forsaken all to follow Christ shall be part of this latter days move of God. The Lord is raising up warriors, true disciples, who love neither money, nor pleasure, nor fame, nor their own lives. They have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and have dedicated their lives for His Kingdom and glory. They shall be full of power and might and shall shew forth great signs and wonders throughout the earth in the name of Christ. These warriors have spent many years being prepared by God Himself and He is now releasing them into the world to make ready the church and prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man.

These mighty warriors of Christ shall not be intimidated by the world nor anyone else. They shall be shunned by mainstream Christianity but nothing shall deter them from the mission God has appointed them to. The supernatural feats that shall come from their hands cannot be refuted, for they shall walk in a power unknown to the majority of believers. Their works shall bring forth many into the Kingdom of God. They shall lead the way for the church in these latter days, for they have been set apart for the Masters use, and His Kingdom shall be manifest through these last day warriors in a way that shall astound many and offend many more. The militant church is rising, and when they have accomplished the mission God has prepared them for, we shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds in all His glory and power. Maranatha...


  1. Soldiers In the Army of the Lord

  2. Yep, terrorizing demons with the Word of God.

  3. Yep, terrorizing demons with the Word of God.---LOVE IT.

  4. Well, in a sense it is. The timing is slightly off, in that the "last days" as the Bible describes actually occurred in 70AD. Another area where it is slightly off is with the indication that the church has NOT been military. It always has and always will be. The real "militarism" will occur more and more as the church acts like the church and influences culture as the leaven it is required to be. This will in no way hasten the return of the Lord. However, the terror unleas3hed on the forces of darkness over time and generations will be glorious. The homeschooling movement, 3dprinting, drones, decentralization of powers, the Internet, will all be used to increase God's Kingdom. Ultimately, all of the world governments will submit, in at least, feigned obedience.

  5. As to the guy who said it looked like relgious terrorism or whatever, I'd say, yes, and so what and to the author of this blog, I'd say check out this guy:

  6. Latter days meaning last generation. I realize the "last days" began long ago. As far as the church always being militant, we aren't militant in today's world, but are being awakened as we speak.


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