A Warning to the Nations

A great change is coming to the earth. The inhabitants have forgotten about God and have turned unto idols. They have blasphemed my Holy name says the Lord, and the time of destruction is at hand. The greatest time in history has arrived. Now is the time to draw close to me says the Lord, as the things that are soon coming to the earth shall shake the nations. I am going to make ruin all the evil man has accomplished and soon my Kingdom shall rule the earth.

My warning to the inhabitants of the earth is to repent before me that you may escape those things that are coming. For I am the Lord thy God and there is none like me. I make rain, and fire, and have created what lives among you. I have stretched out my hand for the last time and only the foolish continue to ignore me. They shall utterly perish in their foolishness, for I have declared it says the Lord. Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give according to every man's work it shall be. My love for the earth has never changed, but now my wrath shall replace my grace, for the inhabitants of the earth have once again rebelled against my statutes and they shall have their reward for their rebellion. Watch the heavens, for my signs shall precede my coming. Prepare your house says the Lord, for the great day of my wrath has come and the wicked shall not escape.


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