
Is Christian Rock Music Evil?

Is Christian Rock music really evil? Let me first begin with this statement. No, Christian rock music is not evil simply because some people hate loud, clanging cymbals and screeching guitars. It was God Himself who created music and it is satan who perverted that music for his own purposes. Evil is rooted in the "heart" of man, not in an inanimate object, such as an instrument that has no soul. Just because some people hate that style of music, that doesn't make it evil, sorry. Music that is evil must meet certain criteria. First, those who create and play the music must be evil themselves, they must have an evil heart, or they can also be backslidden Christians who embrace their carnality and live after the flesh, and not the Holy Spirit. The words of the songs, the heart of those playing, these are what makes any style of music evil. It's not the genre of music, the kind of instruments, nor is it the volume that makes it wicked. There are two styles of Christ...

The Warrior Nation - Rick Joyner

"There are many soldiers, but not many warriors," a Special Forces officer once told me. There are many professional soldiers who may take their jobs very seriously and be very good at what they do, but when you meet a warrior, you know the difference. Church leadership is about to be transferred from the hands of professionals, to the hands of true warriors, which the soldiers of the cross will all soon become. Warriors run to the sound of battle, not away from it. Warriors thrive in the intensity of conflict and danger. They are not discouraged by opposition or trouble, but rather come alive when faced with them. Such will be the constitution of the emerging generation of Christians. Those who think the emerging generation is soft, will be shocked at the warrior nation that will soon be revealed. God Is A Warrior God is a Warrior. He uses the title "Lord of Hosts" or "Lord of Armies" ten times more than all of His other titles. He ...

What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Although all Christians are indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit at the time we were saved, (Ephesians 1:13) not all Christians are "filled," or "baptized" with the Holy Spirit. I'm not speaking about water baptism here, so let me explain. There's a big difference in knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior so you can have the assurance of heaven one day, and yielding to Him as LORD in order to receive His power. God is looking for our "total surrender," to His will and when we ask Christ to be our LORD as well as Savior, we are saying we want to yield completely to Him, which is His desire and will for our lives. (Romans 12:1) When we confess and renounce all known sin and ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then experience His power to successfully live the Christian life. This is what's missing in the life of many believers today, His power, being filled with His Spirit. This will give you the strength and the ability you ne...

A Warning to the Nations

A great change is coming to the earth. The inhabitants have forgotten about God and have turned unto idols. They have blasphemed my Holy name says the Lord, and the time of destruction is at hand. The greatest time in history has arrived. Now is the time to draw close to me says the Lord, as the things that are soon coming to the earth shall shake the nations. I am going to make ruin all the evil man has accomplished and soon my Kingdom shall rule the earth. My warning to the inhabitants of the earth is to repent before me that you may escape those things that are coming. For I am the Lord thy God and there is none like me. I make rain, and fire, and have created what lives among you. I have stretched out my hand for the last time and only the foolish continue to ignore me. They shall utterly perish in their foolishness, for I have declared it says the Lord. Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give according to every man's work it shall be. My love for the e...

Homosexuality..What God Thinks

Homosexuality has been publicized in the media as if it were the worst sin of all time. The truth is, God isn't just concerned about homosexuality, His concerns go far beyond that. And although God condemns homosexuality, He also condemns the sin of fornication between heterosexuals, drunkenness, recreational drug use, blasphemy, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, etc. So, it's not just the homosexual lifestyle God is condemning, it's ALL SIN. He also doesn't condemn us for our sins, He only condemns the sin. Did you get that? GOD DOES NOT CONDEMN YOU FOR YOUR SIN, HE ONLY CONDEMNS THE SIN. This is very important for us to understand. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17) You see, God will only CONVICT you of your sin, He will NEVER condemn you. Why? Because He loves you, He is on your side, but He hates your sin so much because He knows it will destroy you. Visit a grav...

Thou Shalt Not Judge!

Sorry to disappoint you, but the bible doesn't say we cannot judge. Most people who will quote you that scripture have never even read the bible, much less, read it IN CONTEXT. Please allow me to explain what the bible DOES say about judging. The scripture "judge not lest ye be judged" can be found in Matthew 7. Let's quote the WHOLE context this time shall we? "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye, and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5) Notice the scripture here is speaking ...

A Call to Anguish - David Wilkerson


The Coming Wrath and Judgment of God..

Because America has raised up leaders who have no morals, leaders who despise and obey not the Word of God, leaders who endorse murder by abortion, leaders who have removed God from our public schools, leaders who oppress the poor and line their own pockets with wealth and riches, leaders whose God is their own belly, the judgment of God is falling upon this nation. The results of we, as a nation, having turned our backs on God and refusing to repent, is causing His hand of protection to be lifted from our land. Because we have embraced sin and shunned righteousness, He has allowed this great country to have what it so desires, godless leaders who refuse to walk in truth and permit evil to spread throughout our country. Only those who have repented and acknowledged Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords shall be kept safe from the coming wrath and judgment of God. The warning is clear, repent that you may escape those things which are coming upon the earth. "Because I h...

The Militant Church is Rising...

The militant church is rising, and only those who have forsaken all to follow Christ shall be part of this latter days move of God. The Lord is raising up warriors, true disciples, who love neither money, nor pleasure, nor fame, nor their own lives. They have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and have dedicated their lives for His Kingdom and glory. They shall be full of power and might and shall shew forth great signs and wonders throughout the earth in the name of Christ. These warriors have spent many years being prepared by God Himself and He is now releasing them into the world to make ready the church and prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man. These mighty warriors of Christ shall not be intimidated by the world nor anyone else. They shall be shunned by mainstream Christianity but nothing shall deter them from the mission God has appointed them to. The supernatural feats that shall come from their hands cannot be refuted, for they shall wal...

Prophetic Warning...

There is a very great time of distress coming to the world. Those who are abiding in me shall be kept from destruction. Those who have refused my name and have rebelled against my statues, shall suffer in the coming days. The time of my appearing is very near and now is the time to draw as close to me as possible as I shall be your only refuge in the days ahead. The words that were spoken long ago by the prophets are now being fulfilled. My hand is upon everything in the earth and nothing is happening that is beyond my eyes, saith the Lord. I control everything you see and have allowed evil to continue for my purposes, but now the days ahead shall grow dark. The time of the end has reached this generation. Repent before me, says the Lord, and I shall have mercy upon you. Abide in me that you do not suffer the things that are coming upon this earth. For those who continue to rebel against me, you shall suffer eternal destruction at my hand. I am coming soon, saith the Lord, and my rewar...